Sunday, June 28, 2009
6/28/2009 09:22:00 PM

Hey y'all!!! Thank you so much for attending my very first concert with Singapore Winds Symphony Youth Orchestra on the 27th of June!!! Really appreciate your time coming down to Singapore Conference Hall to support me!!! And I also want to thank to those who can't make it to my concert but support me in your hearts!!! Really appreciate it!!!
Okay!! On the week of my concert day, I was damn freaking busy rehearsing and didn't have much time to spend with my family and friends. On the 25th of June, I had a rehearsal with the Youth band and on that day, I just gotten a drum set piece, Naruto Main Theme, almost to the end of the rehearsal!!! To tell you, its damn hard as usually when I play the drum set, the snare part, I am used to coming in on the second and fourth beat!! But this piece, it comes in only on the third beat!!! Its not easy to change of beat just within a few minutes!!! And also, its my first time playing it!!! And to tell you guys, on the concert day, my drum solo for Naruto was a last minute improvision!!! Some of you may think I am too proud after I said this sentence, but its true!!! And I only have like three days to practice it!! Worst is, I do not have a drum set!!! So its so different when practicing air-drumming and playing on the actual set itself!!! On the 26th of June, had another rehearsal with the main band, Singapore Wind Symphony Orchestra, and I was really got carried away with the City Swing drummer with his amazing drum set rhythms on the piece Concerto Grosso and September!!! And on top of that, the German guest conductor, saxaphonist and percussionists came down as well!! They came all the way from their hometown to Ulu Pandan Community Centre to rehears with us and perform with us on the 27th of June during the night performance!!! To tell you guys, they are really amazing and talented!!! Those who went for the afternoon concert, I think you got to hear on of the saxaphonist playing his saxaphone solo on the piece, Ibu!!! Amazing right???!! When its time to rehears Die Druiden, I was scared and extremely nervous as the German Guest Conductor conducted the piece and I heard that he is damn serious about the piece!! So I tried to play my very best and it went pretty well!!! After that, all of us just gotten the piece, Heal the World, to tribute the Legend and King of Pop, Michael Jackson!!! When I gotten the drum set piece, I was damn nervous until I didn't really follow the German Conductor. Until when he stopped, he asked me whether am I playing the drum set on the concert day, after hearing that, I was speechless!!! Then there is one trumpter from the main band told him that he will call the City Swing drummer to play. However, the German Conductor gave me a chance to prove myself that I can play the piece. So I didn't follow the score and kept on looking at his tempo and I just played with just feels!!! After that, I was relieved and I got to play the drum set with the main band for the first time of my live!!!
On the actual day, went to Ulu Pandan Community Centre around 8 in the morning to help out to move the instruments to the truck then to Singapore Conference Hall!!! Luckily I didn't wear my performing attire yet!!! Because I was perspiring like shit!!! After loading everything, took a cab with my percussion member to the performing venue!!! And sadly, I forgotten to reclaim back my cab fare from the Treasure as I kept on forgetting about it!!! LOL!!! Around 9am, was rushing every where to rearrange the instruments as at 9am, we are suppose to start the Youth band sound check!!! Was freaking tired after every was done!!! After Youth Sound Check, I have to stay, including some Youth Band members, for main band sound check, while the rest go for their lunch/break! After rehearsal, around 12 plus 1, it's time for our lunch!! And our lunch is McDonald's!!! Inside is just either cheeseburger or McChicken with a Hashbrown and an apple pie!! Drink is not provided!! Haiz...After that, the percussionist went to one changing/VIP room. However, the size of the room is equavalant to one toilet cubical and there are like 7 of us percussionists!!! Damn freaking small okay!!! Then we went to change as the afternoon is going to start!!! The only thing that I don't understand is why the interval of the afternoon performance is so short!! Like only 5 minutes!! Really pathetic man!!! After the afternoon performance, went for a quick brief about the arrangements for tonight's concert!!! After that, rush out of the hall to meet my closest friends and my parents!!! When I met a few of my closest friends, they gave me a Teddy Bear!!! I was shocked that they got me that because thats what I get only from them!!! I was so touched!!! After that, I met with my parents, however, I wanted to ask them to stay for awhile because I wanted to take a few photographs but my Godsis(a.k.a Xiao Zhu Jia Yi) need to rush back home as her grandparents are going back to Malaysia!! After that, I was all alone as some of my percussion mates went home as they do not need to perform for the night performance!!! So I just slack around backstage and hear the City Swing band rehears and also their performance!!!
About the night performance, there are nothing much to say but just that I did a great job with Heal The World and while performing other pieces, I saw a few audience closing their eyes and sway with the music!!! After the performance, a standing ovation occured!!! After the performance, took a few photos with the german musicians and also with the conductor himself personally!!!
Here are some pictures that we taken!!! Enjoy!!!

(The Smallest Dressing Room)
Friday, June 19, 2009
FUN FUN FUN!!! Part One!!!
6/19/2009 12:13:00 AM
Okay!!! I am going to make this short and sweet about today as currently I am damn sleepy!!! And will post in more detailed tomorrow!!
Okay!!! Today,
Khai Seng, Joanne,
Jia Yi,
Eelin, Jun
Wern and Samuel came over to my place to chill before school starts in a week time and also for my first ever Clinical Attachments to start!!! We had lots of fun today!! We even laughed until our guts out because of this game we played!! Tomorrow will tell more in detail!!! Around 6pm plus, we settle home except for me,
Hisyam, Joanne, Jun
Wern and
Farhan went to West Mall to eat before I go for
SWS Practice and as for
Farhan, he is waiting for his friend's call to meet at
Clementi!!! Tomorrow will be more detailed!!! After eating, went to the Arcade for awhile and I left
Hisyam, Jun
Wern and Joanne first at around 7.50pm plus!!! Which I was damn late!!! When I got into practice, the first piece we practice is Concerto
Grosso!! And after that, practice Die
Druiden until the end of the practice!!!
That's roughly all about today!!!
I miss you!!
I miss you!!
I miss you!!
I miss you!!
I miss you!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
6/15/2009 12:34:00 AM
Don't know why suddenly want to learn to play Jazz rhythms on the drums??? Is it because after I heard what the guest Jazz band member who played with us for the night performance on the 27
th June??? I know he is damn good and I wanted to ask him to teach me!! But I am afraid might disrupt him!!! He is a busy man!!! And past few days, went watching a lot of drum stuffs for practice!!! And I found one new and unique technique!! Its called World/
Specialty!!! The rhythm really wants to make you dance to the beat!!! Its really nice!! Not only that, I asked my parents to
recommend me some jazz
CDs as they have a lot and went to listen to them one by one since this afternoon!!! The journey still continues!!! I know its hard to learn jazz, especially for drum set!!! But like I said, no matter what, drumming is my passion!!! And I hope in future, I can have my own signature sticks of my own and also signature drum sets and sponsorship for best drum kit companies like PEARL KITS/PEDALS!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Tired!!! Sleepy!! Stress!!!
6/05/2009 06:21:00 PM
Past few days was super tiring and sleepy!!! The reason is because of common test!!! And its NEXT WEEK!!! DIE!!! But its only four days and only like an hour per day!! So I just go to school to take the paper and go home!!! But there are
soooooo many things to study!!! The only module I am fine with is PAS and
AAP (Except on the chapter on heart)!!! The rest are not that good and I need help to buck up!!!
Yesterday, after school, it was my first time going out to eat dinner with my poly friends!!! We went to
Clementi Centre to eat and we were like deciding on what to eat as we are sick on some food!!! So our final decision was to go to Long John Silver!!! Its been a long time that I didn't stuffs in Long John Silver!!! After that, went to
SWS practice, initially I thought the practice is like on Sunday! But when I went there, I saw unfamiliar faces and I was wondering whether am I at the correct place or whether the practice is cancelled or something!!! I was at a
blurry state at that time!! So I just went in want start to warm-up! Awhile later, I saw my section members and I asked my section leader whether the practice is for
SWSYO as I saw adults in the band!!! Local adults and westerner adults!!! Some westerners I saw are from either American or
Australians or
Europeans!! Through their accents!!! During the practice, we played Concerto
Grosso by
Masamicz Amano, September by Maurice White, Al
Allee Willis and arranged by
Toshio Mashima, Die
Druiden by Rolf
Rudin and sight read a piece, which I can't remember what its called!!! When I gotten the pieces, I was stunned as it seems that the pieces are from Grade 6 onwards!!! Its hard and complicated and I always got lost
every time!!! For Die
Druiden, I played Gong as there are no other parts left other than mallets which I can't play!!! And I heard that a German Conductor will be conducting us this piece during our night performance on the 27
th of June!!! Not only that, I heard that he will be DAMN SERIOUS when conducting this piece!!! DIE!!! DIE!! DIE!! No Wonder why the piece name the first name of the piece DIE!!! And I also heard two German Percussionists will be helping us!!! Cool right?? For September, I tried the drum set part and its fun!!! For Concerto
Grosso, I played the suspended cymbal cum. crash cymbal cum. gong cum. cowbell!! When I saw the drum set part, initially I want to play it, but its super damn complicated!!! But I will try!!! Seriously!!! Yesterday's practice was a totally screwed-up and
embarrassing!!! But its a start of a new
beginning for everything we just learn!! End practice around 10 plus and I quickly took a cab back as I was damn sleepy!!!
So that's all folks!!!
"I will always dream of you endlessly"